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Sin-bins to be brought in next season!

Sin-bins to be brought in next season!

Boot Room28 May 2019 - 15:00
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Sin-bins are set to be brought in from the start of the 2019/20 season!

Following a successful trial period, The FA are bringing in temporary dismissals, or sin-bins, from the start of the 2019/20 season.

Sin-bins will become mandatory for all leagues at Step 7 or below in the men’s game, Step 5 and below in the women’s game, and for all junior football leagues across the country.

The move will aim to reduce and put a stop to dissent received by referees on a regular basis, and the Derbyshire County FA will be providing ‘sin-bin training’ across the county to ensure that referees, teams and leagues are fully prepared for the start of the season.

Temporary dismissals (sin-bins) were first trialled across 31 leagues in the country during the 2017/18 season and survey results demonstrated an impressive impact.

Find out more about temporary dismissals by clicking the link HERE

Further reading