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David Kwiatek3 Jul - 14:48
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The award for 2023/24 was announced at our Fun Day on Saturday and presented to our winner at training last night

Lots of people contribute to the success of the club and its teams, both at pitch side and behind the scenes - a lot of it unseen - but the appreciation of what our volunteers do was reflected in the nominations received from members for the Volunteer of the Year. A total of 17 nomination were received for 12 members and from these, our panel of judges picked Karen Kitahara as this year’s Volunteer of the Year.

There were two nominations submitted for Karen which read:

“Karen supports the team on the fringes but does a fantastic job ensuring things are working like clockwork in the background. She makes herself available as needed and works to ensure the children are safeguarded, happy and kitted up. She is also a great support to the girls who are at a sensitive age and is always there if needed. Whilst the coaches also do a fantastic job, Karen supports the whole network at Pride Park really well. We’re grateful she works with the team”.

“The support she provides to coaches. Communication regarding safeguarding. And support with the under 13 girls. Karen, you go above and beyond and you are amazing.”

In considering the nominations, who were each exceptional in their own ways, the panel recognised Karen’s contribution over the last few years both to the Bobcats and to the wider club community in her capacity as Welfare Officer - a role she undertakes with great discretion and diligence.

Also nominated by club members for their selfless volunteering were:

Andy Hobson - u13 Bobcats Manager
“Sheer enthusiasm and relentless commitment to the girls and the team”

“Always committed, enthusiastic, passionate and puts a lot of time into supporting the club”
“Andy is driven and the players have come a long way thanks to him. He encourages and listen to them. He’s fair in his judgement. He’s also established a good relationship with parents. Top manager. Thank you!”

Corinne Davies – u18 Panthers Coach and Team Secretary & Just Play Co-ordinator
“The work she puts in chasing parents for availability, subs and may other things deserves some recognition for sure”

Gary Hill – u11 Lionesses Team Manager
“Gary is always friendly, positive hard working. Gary lives for the team and makes football so fun and rewarding. Such a genuine and caring guy, we love Gary!!!”

Hannah Roberts – 1st Team Player
“Hannah was out injured all last season and virtually all of this season but has been there to run the line, help with team morale, help with team management and more!!!!”

Lottie Such – u8 Diamonds Team Secretary
“For her hard work that goes on behind the scenes off the field. Keeping it running straight”

Michale Dean - u9 Pumas Team Manager
“His dedication to the team”

Nathan Darlington – u14 Bobcats Coach
“Gives great advice and constructive criticism and is fair”

Ross Haig – 1st Team Coach
“Ross has made such an impact on me coming back from injury, the time he has taken to support me 1 on 1 has been incredible, from doing separate drills at training to discussing my rehab programme, and just generally his moral support and enthusiasm has made a real difference to how I’ve enjoyed this season as an injured player. As the third coach of the team he is often in the background but he really adds to the dynamic of the coaching staff and overall group, and I’d love to see him recognised”

Sophie Brown – 12 Phoenix Team Manager
“Sophie is enthusiastic, creates a good environment, and works tirelessly for the team's benefit - including contributing to Committee meetings etc. and, unlike most coaches, she doesn't have a connection to a player in the team.”

Summer Evans – u9 Pumas Coach
“Her dedication to the team.”

“Originally Summer had just simply wanted to bring her daughter, watch her play and not have to worry about anything else. Sadly due to circumstances, she sustained a season ending injury and if it wasn’t for this, she may never have got into the coaching which without her, the team would not have been able to form as we would not have had the required numbers of volunteers to manage the team. Even though it took an eternity to get her DBS back, she would be there with the team on the outside of the cage cheering the girls on and being a massive support. Once that DBS came through, it’s no coincidence that the girls’ development started to motor on and that shows with the girls’ performances and the results they ended up getting in the second half of the season. As she plays for the first team, the girls can look to her to see where their pathway in football could get them to”.

David Kwiatek – Club Secretary
“The amount of work he does for the club is outstanding. Proud to be part of a club that he has seen and helped grow.”

“The club simply wouldn’t exist without the hard work, dedication, patience and kindness that David shows every single day. You are a super star! Thank you”

As a club run entirely by its members and operated entirely by volunteers, the contributions of all of our volunteers are absolutely essential to being able to provide training and match opportunities for our players, as well as putting on various social events throughout the year. Whilst the volunteers that have been nominated have deservedly received recognition for their efforts, we thank and salute all of our volunteers who contribute and help out in so many different ways!

Further reading